Thursday, January 16, 2014

Just shy of 2 weeks

I've had so many people ask about the new place.  Is it crazy different living so far out?  How's homeschooling going?  Have there been any major changes so far?  Do you like it? And there's been like a zillion requests for photos.

Well, we've been here just 12 days, so my answers will likely change with time, but here goes.

So far, it hasn't really been all that different living further out.  Brandon's commute takes more time, but that was actually one of the perks for him.  He kind of missed the longer drive he had when we lived in the country a few years ago.  That's his time to mentally change gears from home to work mode and vice versa, which he really needs.  I've tried out a few different grocery stores in Canton, and all of them have been ok.  I can get pretty much anything I want with only a 10 minute drive, including carry out from Mcalister's, which actually has a drive thru window: )  Fabulousness!  A new Wal-Mart opened in Canton yesterday, and it's 10 minutes away, as well.  I don't love the place, but it's nice to have it so close by.

I have found that I feel less inclined to hop in my vehicle to run errands or to get out for a breather after Brandon gets home.  Some of that has to do with this sweet lil' happy place I finally cultivated this week.  It's not a finished product, but I can definitely get my sew on.  This spot is on one side of my laundry room.  It's on the farthest end from the kids' bedrooms, and there is a DOOR (hallelujah!)  to keep little fingers out of my stuff.

Another plus is that I'm forced to plan more before I go to the store, which I actually like.  I spent waaaaay less money on groceries when we lived further from the store.  My often mushy mommy brain needs to be challenged, and creating a weekly menu and perfectly organized grocery list in Evernote, complete with linked recipes and checkboxes is just what I need to whip that mush back into shape.  But, when that occasional week creeps up where Brandon has to close 3 nights, I could stress eat a tray of Oreos, and the thought of touching one more dirty dish gives me hives, there's always that bless'ed Mcalister's drive thru window…which I can my pajamas.  For the win.

Ok.  Enough about Oreos and sweet tea because I could really go for some, and it's 10:23 p.m.  Shame.

Back to that talk of whipping some mushy matter into shape, I've been walking more since we've been here.  We are the first house on a gravel road which loops around the lake and dead ends into a levee, which runs right along one side of our lot (clear as mud, right?).  There are some pretty mean hills on this short road, and pushing 65 lbs of kids in a double stroller on gravel  is no joke.  Today, Cade was able to bike the loop twice for the first time, so my rear is gonna be extra sore tomorrow from that second trip around.

These are a few phone shots from our walk the other day.  They don't really do it justice.  I could sit on that levee all day.

Yep, this one's crooked.  It's 10:59 p.m. , and I'm not about to edit it.  Just tilt your head 3 degrees to the left.  

There.  Fixed it.

As for homeschool, we're easing into things and slowly getting our feet wet.  I've looked at the different types of homeschooling methods, and I definitely think we fall under the "eclectic" category.  We like variety too much to follow some of the really structured curriculums or kits I've seen on the market.  Though we're newborns in this department, I think we will likely keep the loose, eclectic approach to the kids' home education.  I think I'll save my homeschool post for a later date after I have a little more to share.  I WILL say I was shocked by the tiny card I was required to fill out for Cade to be a legit homeschooler.  Seriously, it took me approximately 1 minute to complete.  

There's nothing like creating a skip-counting caterpillar in your alien pjs.  Just sayin'.

As for major changes, there's one that really sticks out.  


Seriously, it's tripled.  And here's why.

These two have been in the muddy ruts left as souvenirs of our move in day every. single. day.  They blow through two full sets of clothes and pairs of shoes by lunch.  They better be glad they're cute.

Oh, and if you couldn't tell, I've completely left Eve to her own devices in the wardrobe department.  It's just not even worth my energy to try and pick out something she approves of.  

Other than these things, we've just had a lot of chill time.  

There've been a few warm'ish days we spent on the porch.

Trek's been rockin' a mean bed head lately.  Wetting, brushing…doesn't do a darn bit of good.

Cade's been practicing with his new bb gun he got for Christmas.  

We're working on that form : )  We need a hunter since our yard is covered in deer tracks.  Seriously.  

This little guy has been cracking us up lately.  He's (I'm) sleeping much better now that he has his own room.  The first night was a little crazy, but I've only heard him wake up during the night once since then.  This. Is.  Huge.

He's been raiding his sister's shoes lately.  These pink ones are his favs because they make loud clickety clack noises on the floor.  

As for house pics…I royally suck at before and after photos.  The majority of the before photos I have are from the listing, and those aren't really accurate since the place was doused in builder beige after those were taken.  I'll try to get a few more things hung on the walls this weekend, and I'll post more.  Of course, I've got a looooong list of DIY projects I'm insanely excited about, and I'll try to take pics of those.  

All in all, we've really enjoyed our first 12 days in our new home.  There's just something really special about owning a home and knowing there's no pending move out date.  We anticipate being here a good, long time.  


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