Saturday, January 7, 2012

I wear my sunglasses at night

Yeah, so I don't even own a pair of sunglasses.  My 2 year-old, however, owns 20.   Well, maybe not 20...but definitely at least 13 pairs.  For some reason, she always seems to have them upside down on her face, which, of course, causes them to slide down her nose.  This, consequently, causes what I would describe as a "hissy fit".  Cade is usually my OCD kid, but Eve has him topped when it comes to fashion.  "Momma, get it right or get outta my face" is generally her motto when I'm doing her hair or attempting to accessorize her.  Just check out what happened when she became "fwustawated" with her shades the other night.

Yes, I'm one of those evil women who takes pics of her crying child.

Before you report me to DHS, just know that the waterworks shut off as soon as her brother dug her princess shoes with "Chwismas lights" in the heels out of the depths of the dress up trunk.  Whew. 

Annnd after a 10 minute battle of wills over whether or not she could wear the glasses to bed, we struck a compromise.

This time, I was the one about to have a hissy fit trying to make those stinkin glasses stay put on the Cabbage Patch doll's watermelon head.  

And yet another sunglasses shot.

Yeah, I still have another kid.  He just generally avoids the camera unless he's naked, which of course is a no-go on the ole blog.  I did snag a few of him while he was too silly or drugged (allergy meds) to notice.

First, here he is in his "drugged" state.  He's also in his fav position...spread eagle.  He assumes this position whether he is clothed or not.  I'm a little tired of seeing his boy junk.  He, on the other hand, never grows tired of seeing, shaking, and flaunting it.  In fact, he stated a few days ago that boys and girls should all have penises because they're awesome.  Let's just hope this fascination tames down before kindergarten : /  If not, I can forsee lots of office visits.

And here we have my kids in the throws of their daily ritual.  It's called the "mommy just made up the bed, let's destroy it" ritual.  Just in case you're wondering, this is not one of the battles I pick every day.  I make that bed knowing there's a 50/50 chance it'll survive the rest of the day untouched, and I'm generally willing to take that gamble.  I know, I'm such a risk taker.

Speaking of risks...asking Cade to dress himself when I'm in a time crunch is another risk I sometimes take.  There's pretty much a 100% chance that it's going to cause a further delay, but my brain-dead self usually forgets this and asks him to do it anyway.  Blame it on the baby.  Sometimes, he "loses" the clothes I lay out for him and asks me repeatedly where his clothes are.  Other times, he layers his clothes over his pjs because he gets focused on a cartoon and he forgets to undress first.  But here lately, his trend is to shake things up a bit by using his shirt as pants and his pants as a hat.  See?

He'd shucked the hat before I could snap a pic.  Sometimes he even stuffs the legs of the pants so that they stand up on top of his head to resemble "ears"(I'm sure he gets this humor from his daddy) 
...then he laughs himself to tears, and my crazy, pregnant, temporarily emotionally bi-polar self usually ends up joining him.  See what I'm talking about with the delays?  At this point, not only am I un-stuffing jeans and dressing this kid, but I'm re-doing eye makeup, as well.  In the midst of all this chaos, Eve has probably managed to sneak into the kitchen, unwrap, and devour half a dozen cheese slices.  

Oh, and look what Mr. Smartypants did.


"Well, you said to stop throwing my dirty clothes on the floor."  No comment.

I know I've totally skipped the Christmas blogpost.  No worries.  I'm sure I'll get to it before next Christmas.  I will give you a little sneak peek as to how well my kids are treating their brand spankin' new toys, though.

Can I interest you in a game of head-less, ball-less Hungry Hippo, anyone?


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